Our major customers
Advance Care Planning — ACP Swiss (Mrs M. Obrist), CH-Zurich, https://www.acp-swiss.ch/
- Swiss Transfusion SRC (Mrs M. Marbacher, Dr. G. Nicoloso), CH-Bern, https://en.blutspende.ch/en
- CSCQ, Quality Control Centre Switzerland (Mrs D. Kesseler/ Dr P-A. Morandi), CH-Chêne-Bourg GE, www.cscq.ch
- NICER, National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration (Dr U. Wagner), CH-Zurich, www.nicer.org
- Kantonsspital St-Gallen, Departement for Infectious Diseases (Mrs A. Blattmann), CH-St.Gallen www.kssg.ch
WSL, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (Mrs E. Maidl), CH-Birmensdorf, www.wsl.ch/en
Argos Multilingual, (Mrs. S. Brown), Project "Indeed Copywriting", www.argosmultilingual.com
Tistrya Productions – Documentaries (Mr. A. Chene), tistryaproductions.com
AdUnit AG, Swisscom Digital Business, Zurich, www.adunit.ch
- INHSU (International Network for Hepatitis in Substance Users), Sydney AUS, www.inhsu.org
- Vifor Pharma (Mrs D. Trif), CH- Villars-sur-Glâne, www.viforpharma.ch
- ASHM, Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (Mrs N. Habraken), Sydney AUS, www.ashm.org.au
- Fondazione Epatocentro/Ingrado (Dr A. Moriggia), CH-Lugano/Viganello TI, www.epatocentro.ch, www.ingrado.ch
- Ligue Pulmonaire Suisse - Swiss Lung Association (Mrs N. Bertschy/ Mrs Ch. Bühlmann), CH-Bern, www.lung.ch
- Southern Words Pty Ltd (Mr. P. Compton), Melbourne (AUS) and Hamburg (DE), http://www.southernwords.com
... as well as all our students (language classes) and all other individual customers.